2024 KCPB - Thank You!!
Thank you to everyone who joined us for this year’s King County Prayer Breakfast at the sold-out Washington Athletic Club ballroom! We’re deeply grateful for each presenter, speaker, and pray-er who shared what God had placed on their hearts, creating a powerful tapestry of unity and blessing—an experience only possible through the work of the Holy Spirit.
The room was alive with the energy and faith of high school and university students, young professionals, faith leaders, and marketplace leaders. It was an inspiring morning that united generations and backgrounds, all gathered in the spirit of prayer and hope for King County and beyond.
Please check out the video below that was part of Amber Cantu's sharing at the breakfast.

2024 King County Prayer Breakfast
Thursday, October 24 - Washington Athletic Club, Seattle
The first prayer breakfast in our nation took place in Seattle on April 19, 1935. At that time, the entire world was in great need, as it surely is today. The purpose of these breakfasts is to gather in prayer for our communities and our leaders. It is a time to affirm our faith in God and to seek guidance on behalf of all leaders, regardless of political party or ideology, as they make important decisions that impact every citizen.
Our last large-scale, in-person King County Prayer Breakfast was in the fall of 2019.
In 2020, in the height of the pandemic, over 700 gathered on Zoom.
In 2021, we met outdoors in the heart of downtown Seattle.
In 2022, we had a live broadcast and people gathered in their homes and other places throughout their community.
Last year, in 2023, we convened in three different locations throughout King County -- gathering together in person to pray for our leaders, to hear stories of hope, and to together seek God's love, peace and reconciliation. This was a wonderful experience and we may do this again in the future.
THIS YEAR for 2024, we are returning to one location in downtown Seattle at the Washington Athletic Club on Thursday, October 24, 2024 at 7:00 AM.
Washington Athletic Club
October 24, 2024 at 7:00am
Our 2024 Keynote Speaker
Mike Dunn

Mike Dunn is the fourth generation President of Dunn Lumber.
He has been married 41 years, father of three married children (one of whom works for the company) and nine grandkids under six who are a source of unending joy. Mike started working at Dunn Lumber after school in 1969 and has done practically every job in the company. His favorite was buying the lumber, plywood and other commodities, which he did for 20 years. For the last 20, Mike has been working on strengthening Dunn Lumber culture, The Legacy of Trust.
He loves boating and golf when he has time, but mostly he is found interacting with the Dunn Lumber team members, vendors and customers. As he’s fond of saying, "Trust is hard to build and easy to lose!”